Take control with a personal loan

Yet another credit card isn’t your only option to manage your finances, especially for larger amounts. If you really want to take control, try personal loans as they an provide certainty.

A smarter way to manage your finances

A personal loan can be a smarter choice for managing larger amounts than more common alternatives such as a credit card or topping up a mortgage. It provides a controlled means of repaying the debt so it is paid off as quickly as possible in order to minimise interest costs.

What else can i do with a personal loan?

Personal loans can help you with a range of situations that come in your life, from renovations, holidays, home improvements, travel, marriage, a car or even just as a way to consolidate all of your existing debts into one manageable loan.

How much can i borrow?

The maximum amount you can borrow for a car or personal loan depends on you. It’s based on your current financial situation and your capacity to meet your monthly repayments.

Use our loan repayment calculator by entering a loan term of 5 or 7 years to give you an idea what your regular repayments will be for different personal loan amounts.

What our clients say

Exceptionally thorough

“I recently purchased my first home and used the services of Blue Key Finance.  I gave Matt the rather difficult job of organising finance after I’d made an offer on a house and with an exceptionally short settlement (not the best way to go about purchasing a home).

Matt was exceptionally thorough in helping me understand the loan process and all available options.  He was also willing to discuss and compare loan information I’d gained from other finance companies.

The purchase of this home was the most stressful period of my life so far.  Matt’s assistance and willingness to answer questions was greatly appreciated.  Without his involvement I’d probably have had a nervous break down!

Kara Eichhorn