Should I buy a home with my mate?
Be very careful when you decide on friends buying or investing…

Home loan acronyms explained
If you are buying your first home, getting your head around home…

What should I do when my fixed rate period expires?
If you’re currently playing the waiting game wondering what…

Can you buy an investment property on a small budget?
The simple answer is ‘absolutely’!
You don’t necessarily…

Six things to consider before investing in property
Buying an investment property can seem like a smart way to enter…

Do I need to bring a cheque to pay my auction deposit?
Auctions. They’re like game shows except you win the legal…

20 auction terms you need to know before the bidding starts
Property auctions are full of terms that can easily confuse the…

What to do if your interest-only mortgage is expiring
What to do if your interest-only mortgage is expiring

What you need to know before you decide to rentvest
Can't afford to buy in the area where you live? There is a way…

Why negative gearing still works
Is negative gearing a strategy that still works?
It's a timely…

More lending changes ahead
Sweeping changes to the finance industry WILL affect you ...

Could a buyer's agent be your secret weapon?
Investing in property is a big decision that can keep even the…

Investors can boost their cash flow by applying for a tax variation
We all know that there are tax perks that come with owning an…

What you need to know about interest-only home loans
An interest-only home loan is a product that allows you to obtain…

Negative and positive gearing
Profit or loss
Many people borrow to invest, this is called…
5 trends affecting property investors
With the volatility of the share market, investors will once…

Unlocking equity for property investment
At Blue Key Finance, we are now seeing more investors and more…