Tips to make a credit card balance transfer work for you

A credit card balance transfer is when you move the amount you…

What you need to know about rising interest rates?

When it comes to paying off our home loans, we’ve never had…

Are you paying a HIGH PRICE for your loyalty on your home loan?

Australian homeowners with a mortgage are paying a high price…

Preparing to refinance your home loan

You and your home loan have had a pretty good run. It’s been…

How to manage your mortgage after you and your partner split

Sadly, there will be more divorces as a result of COVID-19, so…

What is a 'Break Fee'?

If you currently hold a fixed rate loan with a Bank and wish…

The value of a mortgage offset account

Most lenders offer mortgage packages which include a mortgage…
For sale, sold

How do I know what my property is worth?

What is that property worth? One of the hardest parts about…

Behind on your mortgage

The need for speed When you get behind on your mortgage repayments…
Wicked witch

Missed a mortgage repayment

Missing a repayment, not the end of the world You might think…
House next to railway line

Keeping your mortgage on track

Mortgage Control If you are making your mortgage repayments…
home loan myths

Home loan myths busted

On a major commitment like a home loan, knowing the facts is…